FCHCC Monthly eNewsletter Issue

In this Issue:
August 2013 Networking Meeting at Seacoast Christian Academy
Get Spotlighted in Upcoming Issues of Conexión!
Welcome New and Renewing Members
Calendar of Events
Committee Happenings!
Member Spotlight: John Brigman, Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T)
Submit your Available Job Listings to Appear on FCHCC's Website
Become an FCHCC Trustee
August 2013 Networking Meeting at Seacoast Christian Academy

*All photos taken by 904 Happy Hour. Click here to see all pics from the August event!

To view more pics from our other photo galleries, click here!
Featured Article
We love to spotlight our members!
And, as an FCHCC corporate member, this is an excellent opportunity to let all our readers learn and know more about you and your company.
Don't miss your chance to be advertised! You can write your spotlight article and upload your logo or headshot photo right from our website!

Requirements: articles must be no more than 300 words, images need to be .jpg, or .png, and you must be an active chamber member. Submit your article and photo by clicking here
Quick Links
If you want to keep up with the FCHCC, sign up to receive our monthly eNewsletter below!
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President's Message - William G. Mora  
William G. Mora, FCHCC 2013 President

Scholarships - The application process for scholarships has ended on August 30 and the Evaluation Committee started working on its delicate mission. I want to thank all applicants and wish good luck to them. Results will be addressed to those who were selected for a scholarship.

The venue will take place at the Adam W. Herbert University Center - University of North Florida, on Friday, October 11, 2013 at 11:00 AM.

The FCHCC has supported the education of Hispanic immigrants and their descendants for more than 20 years through college scholarships. Our organization is proud of having positively impacted the life of more than one hundred scholarship recipients along those years.

It's with you, Entrepreneur, small business owner, individual! You are still on time to help any student to achieve his/her dream?

Remember that local businesses often look for opportunities to give-back to your community. The wonderful thing about this is that not only do companies receive tax benefits (as your sponsorship fee is considered a donation), but you also receive exposure through presence at the event. This allows you to reach out to new potential customers, and receive free publicity through media coverage. Sponsoring an event also gives employers an opportunity to engage employees and business partners in a social setting outside of the workplace, while encouraging teamwork and goodwill.

You would like also talk to employees, our members and partners, members on our board, to find out what connections you have in our community. Perhaps they can introduce us to people who handle corporate sponsorships for large businesses. It's your opportunity to show support.

You can be added to the list by knowing the benefits that companies will receive from sponsoring our Scholarship and Internship programs events such as exposure to potential customers and media through: expected event attendance, promotional efforts, lead generation, event signage, advertising inclusion, viral marketing efforts, on-site sampling, VIP passes, etc. Join us in our effort by funding more scholarships and adding your name to the list of sponsors. Any help is very welcome. This is the right time. Please write directly or call the president or any other Board Member or the Executive Director. Get more information by clicking here!


United We Can!



William G. Mora

FCHCC President
Welcome New and Renewing Members
The FCHCC is proud to announce our new and renewing members:

Small Business: 

Any Lab Test Now - Jacksonville
Fiftyeight Consulting 


Non-profit Organizations:
Visit Jacksonville 


 Individual Members:  

Bernando Bolotinsky
Jose Cuetos
Veronica Garcia-Brown, CPA
David Jones
Alicia Lagarrigue
Farrell Marie
Emmanuel Matias
Hector A. Rodriguez 


Student Members:  

Rainier Velasco 


We could not be where we are without our members so, thank you very much for your partnership. To become a member, please visit our website for more information!
Calendar of Events

September 2013 Professional Networking Event

Date: September 12, 2013 
Time: 6 - 8 PM 
Location: Merrill Lynch Campus
4804 Deer Lake Drive East (1st Floor), Jacksonville, FL 32246 

THEME: "Hispanic Heritage Month"


Come network with us! 
Keep up with all our networking events information by visiting our website calendar!
Committee Happenings!

Our members play an integral role in this organization. Enhance your experience and get involved. 


Membership Committee (MC):  

The FCHCC Membership continues to grow slowly, but consistently. This past month, eight (8) new individual members, one (1) non-profit organization, two (2) small businesses, and one (1) student joined FCHCC. I take this opportunity, as Director of Membership Committee (MC), to thank all new members on behalf of our President and the MC Volunteers.


I encourage all active and non-active members of FCHCC to help us achieve our mission and become an active participant in the growth and success of FCHCC. You can become ambassadors by promoting the FCHCC and making referrals to the leaders of our organization 

via  nestepa@fchcc.com or execdirector@fchcc.com.


Let's join forces to build FCHCC into the most important voice for the Hispanic Business Community in Northeast Florida.  


Education Committee: 

The Achieving the Dream Scholarship application period closed on August 30th.  Members with a background in Education that would like to assist with the scholarship reviews are invited to contact the Education Chair at education@fchcc.com.


As Assistant Vice President for Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T), the most recent Large Corporate sponsor of the First Coast Hispanic Chamber, John is responsible for overseeing the growth of the Kendall Town Center office. Through his role as Financial Center Leader, John devotes the largest portion of his time servicing the Small Business needs of existing and potential clients throughout the Southside and Arlington area of Jacksonville. The Kendall Town Center office is one of three (3) Jacksonville branches that BB&T has recognized as having the most opportunity to bring financial solutions to the Hispanic community.

As a professional in the Jacksonville financial industry for nearly 13 years, John has guided his clients through many of the changes that have impacted the small business community due to various economic and political factors over the last decade.

John was recently honored as one of "Jacksonville's Finest" by the North Florida chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for his role in raising awareness and funds for finding a cure for the deadly disease impacting children and young adults. He is also a member of the Gator Bowl Committee, which focuses on bringing college football to the First Coast, maximizing the economic impact to the local community, and provides an annual monetary injection into local charities.

As a new member to the FCHCC John looks forward to garnering new relationships where he can personally learn from and bring value to the growing Hispanic business community. On a professional level, he has a genuine passion to ensure that BB&T's mission of making our world a better place to live...by helping our client's achieve economic success and financial security is made known throughout the community. When away from work John enjoys spending time with his wife of five years, Kimberly, along with their 17 month old son, Jake. 

For more information, visit www.bbt.com
Submit your Available Job Listings to Appear on FCHCC's Website

 Members, Submit your Job Postings

Is your company hiring? If you're an active corporate member, you can send your available job postings to us from our website! Click here! 


Current Job Opportunities   


CSX Career Site Jobs Opportunities

Employer: CSX


Florida Blue Jobs Portal
Employer: Florida Blue 


To view all the above positions and to apply, please visit our website by clicking here.

Become an FCHCC Trustee
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations, which are also our trustees.
Gold Trustees
Silver Trustees
 Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront

The FCHCC Accepts Credit Card Payments for New Memberships and Renewals
You can join the FCHCC or renew your membership with any of these credit cards.  
major credit card icons

To join the FCHCC, click here.

If you're renewing your membership, click here!
"CONEXIÓN": Monthly eNewsletter publishes the first
week of every month
Editors: FCHCC Board of Directors
Designer: Kim McDougal, Interactive Communications
The First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FCHCC) strives to establish and encourage better business practices among Hispanic-owned and operated businesses in northeast Florida and south Georgia. All business professionals, both Hispanic and non-Hispanic, are welcome to become involved with our Chamber. The FCHCC also strives to foster understanding of Hispanic heritage through educational endeavors, business opportunities and social interaction.
To learn more about the FCHCC, please visit us on the web at www.fchcc.com, send us e-mail at: fchcc@fchcc.com, or call us at 904.346.1118.
This email was sent to kmcdougal@fchcc.com by fchcc@fchcc.com |  
First Coast Chamber of Commerce | P.O. Box 57972 | Jacksonville | FL | 32241