The FCHCC is proud to announce our new and renewing members that joined and renewed in January!
Strategic Partner
Florida Blue Large Corporation 2 Cancer Specialists of North Florida
Small Business 1
Non-Profit 1
We could not achieve our mission without our members... THANK YOU very much for your partnership! To review member benefits and/or to become a member, please visit our website for more information.
Click the flyer below to register!
Dr. Alan Khiger, Amazing Spine Care
"This Controversial Report Reveals The Shocking Truth About How You Can Eliminate Your Lower Back Pain... Once and For All!"
This is a free report on how you can eliminate all your lower back pain from an accident or work related injury and haven't been able to find any type of relief, read this entire information. A lot of people these days have an injury and basically don't know what to do about it. And it always hits upon doing an activity such as exercising, bending, lifting, straining.
The truth is, both are very serious problems because it involves the spine and the nervous system. The disc, (the material between the bones in your spine) has a tendency to degenerate or deteriorate, after any type of after any type of injury. This is really a bad situation, since your disc really doesn't feel any pain, but most people don't look at their injury this way. They usually complain to their doctor and then are prescribed muscle relaxers or pain killers." And sometimes they get both. Well, what they fail to remember that this is just a temporary fix.
In fact, it's not even a fix. It's a drug... treating a symptom. And all that is happening when you take the drug is that it is telling your brain... nothing is happening, when in reality, your disc is getting worse, each and every day that you are not taking the proper treatment to stop this degeneration.
That's one of the reasons this report is so shocking. Most people could be doing something about this deterioration, but aren't. Why? Because no one has ever told them anything different. Well, that's what this report is all about getting the truth to you so you can make an informed decision on how you want your health care taken care of. Lower back pain is a serious matter and once the degeneration process has begun, it's hard to stop it. That's why it is imperative that you get checked for stenosis, disc degeneration or herniation, after any type of injury. Without the proper diagnosis, and the proper treatment, nothing or anyone can do anything about your health condition.
If you've ever gone to a medical doctor, complaining about your lower back pain, you may have heard this from your doctor, "You are suffering from a sprain or strain and some bed rest and medication is all that you need." This is a sure sign that he or she is not the doctor you need to be talking to about low back pain. If you want to help yourself get out of pain, you should be drinking 8-10 glasses of water, along of using ice packs intermittently, instead of using drugs. Sometimes they will help mask your pain, but they don't do anything as far as stopping the deterioration of your spine.
If you are one of the millions of Americans who continue to suffer from low back pain neck pain and sports or work related injuries, then the treatment I am going to recommend will be "perfect" for you! One "famous" study revealed that in the search for a safe, and effective treatment for neouromusculoskeleatal injuries drugs and surgery were not the treatment of choice. The natural technique used at our office has been found to be more effective because the treatment lasts, where drugs and surgery don't.
P.S. Languages spoken English, Russian and Spanish for your convenience.
Dr. Alan Khiger
SPECIAL PROMOTION: New Patient Special Exam & Massage
We hope this year brings good health to you and your loved ones. If you have never been to Amazing Spine Care, take advantage of our New Patient Special Medical Examination!
Chiropractic Adjustment
30 Minute Deep Tissue Massage
Only $99 for the full exam, treatment, and massage!
Call (904) 204-2126 today to claim this offer.
The SBA and the U.S.  If you've ever submitted a proposal, you know how complex and time-consuming these documents can be to prepare. It can be difficult to even know where to begin with a proposal let alone whether you are writing it effectively. When submitting a bid proposal you are competing against other businesses in trying to convince the client to award you the contract. It is important that your bid looks professional and that it includes all the information the client requested. The class will cover:
- Opportunities, Certifying, Registering & Researching
- Best Value vs LPTP (lowest price, technically acceptable)
- Key Elements for Proposals
- Get Prepared
- Technical Qualification & Solution
- Pricing
- Doing Business with Manson
- Prime's Perspective on Bidding
- Pitfalls to Avoid
- Pricing Tips
- Lessons Learned-Debriefings
- Practice Makes Perfect
Location: JAXPORT Cruise Terminal
2831 Talleyrand Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32206 Date/Time: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Breakfast/Registration at 8:00 AM.
Note: Limited to 125 attendees, one per company [two if maximum allowance is not reached]. Continental Breakfast & Lunch included free compliments of Manson Construction Co. Contact Yetunde Oyewole at 904-357-3003 for questions or click here to download the flyer for more information!
Call for Committee Volunteers

If you are interested in helping to make a difference, consider volunteering your time and talent for any of our committees or sub-committees.
 Stories about FCHCC's Members and Partners |
Home Service Professional
Employer: Molly Maid
Licensed Sales Producer
Employer: Vienrich Allstate Agency
Chase Bank Jobs Portal
Employer: Chase Bank
Everbank Jobs Portal
Employer: Everbank
JAXPORT Jobs Portal Employer: JAXPORT
JEA Jobs Portal Employer: JEA
Publix Jobs Portal Employer: Publix
AT&T Florida Jobs Portal Employer: AT&T
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Jobs Portal Employer: Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
BBVA Compass Bank Jobs Portal
Employer: BBVA Compass Bank
BB&T Bank Jobs Portal Also, click here to be added to BB&T's database where you will be alerted of any upcoming jobs as they become available!Employer: BB&T Bank Florida Blue Jobs Portal Employer: Florida Blue
To view all the above positions and to apply, please visit our website by clicking here.
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The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations!
Strategic Partners
Large Corporations

We have several payment methods for your convenience. If you would like to mail in a check or money order, please mail your payment to:
First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 57972 Jacksonville FL 32241
FCHCC also accepts credit card payments for new memberships and renewals. You can join the FCHCC or renew your membership with any of these credit cards. To use this method, click any of the links below:
If you're renewing your membership with your credit card, click here!