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Key Data Sites for Hispanics
Visit fchcc.com for a list of links to data and resources!
You can also email us at fchcc@fchcc.com if you have any recommended links you'd like us to post.
To positively impact the regional economy by creating value, promoting and facilitating the success of Hispanic-owned businesses and by engaging the community at large.
Keep Up with Florida Blue Events at
these locations below!

Be a Guest Blogger on FCHCC
The Media and Public Relations Committee invites our members to be featured on a future blog post! It is our goal to provide the most useful, innovative, and resourceful information for our members and community-at-large. If you own a local business or would like to share your business experience, we'd love to hear from you.
Please send an email to Kim McDougal at interactivecomm@fchcc.com for more information. |
President's Message
Hello members and friends,
Mark your calendars for our very first Excellence in Business Awards on July 14, 2016 at the University Club from 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM. We received excellent nominations and look forward to recognizing individuals and companies that support the Hispanic chamber and the Hispanic business community. To request information about sponsorship opportunities, please email fchcc@fchcc.com.
If you have not renewed your FCHCC membership or want to join, click here for more information.
Warmest regards,
Maribel Hernandez
Maribel Hernandez, MBA, ACB, ALB
Calendar of Events
Welcome New and Renewing Members
The FCHCC is proud to announce our new and renewing members:
Trustees and Large Corporation Members:
We could not achieve our mission without our members... THANK YOU very much for your partnership! To review member benefits and/or to become a member, please visit our website for more information.
Committee Happenings
 Special Events Sub-committee
The 1st Annual Excellence in Business Awards Breakfast will be held Thursday, July 14th from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. at The University Club, 1301 Riverplace Blvd., 27th Floor, Jacksonville, Fl 32207.
We are excited to have Pegine Echevarria as our guest speaker for the event and Lorena Inclán from Action News Jax as our MC. Pegine is one of only eight women in the Motivational Speaker Hall of Fame. She is feisty, fearless, focused, and a fun speaker. Her speaking engagements are geared to business owners and leaders who want to engage, market, and reach diverse communities. Lorena has been a general assignment reporter for Action News Jax since 2012.
We will be honoring recipients in the following award categories:- Small Business of the Year
- Corporate Business of the Year
- Business Leader of the Year
- Rising Star Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Diversity Impact Award
- Business Advocate Award
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please visit fchcc.com for more information.___________________________________________________________
Media/Public Relations Committee The First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FCHCC) is seeking a Communications and Media Relations Intern. The intern will be responsible for assisting the Media and Public Relations committee with brand recognition and awareness for FCHCC with both members and non-members while maintaining good relations with all media outlets. The intern will report to the Chair of Media and Public Relations. Please Note: This is an unpaid internship. Preferred commitment is a minimum of 10 hours a week, from start date thru November 2016. For more information, click here!___________________________________________________________
Programs Sub-committee FCHCC is in need of a Programs Sub-committee Chair to coordinate our networking events and business luncheons. Please consider volunteering and supporting the Hispanic chamber's mission. If you know of anyone who is good at event planning, please let them know of this volunteer opportunity and have them contact Maribel Hernandez or Rebecca Black for more information. |

The 2016 Achieving the Dream Scholarship Application period is now OPEN through June 3, 2016. Apply at fchcc.com/scholarship. ___________________________________________________
Other Scholarship Opportunities
USHLI has awarded over $1.3 million in scholarships and internships to Latino college students. With affordability being a major barrier to Latinos pursuing a post-secondary education or training, USHLI is committed to providing financial support through the Dr. Juan Andrade Scholarship. For more information, visit www.ushli.org.
Governor Rick Scott and First Lady Ann Scott have invited all Florida students to participate in the 2016 Hispanic Heritage Month art and essay contests which will be centered around the theme, "Honoring Hispanic American Heroes: Veterans, Military, Law Enforcement and First Responders." Students in grades K-3 have a chance to win a cash prize by submitting artwork, and students in grades 4-12 can earn a 4-year Florida Prepaid Scholarship through the essay contest.
Additionally, students, parents, teachers and principals are invited to nominate full-time, Hispanic American educators in elementary, middle and high schools for the Hispanic Heritage Month Excellence in Education Award. The deadline for all submissions is 5:00 p.m. Friday, September 9, 2016. To learn more about Florida's Hispanic Heritage Month celebration and contests, visit www.FloridaHispanicHeritage.com.
Member Spotlight: Carlos Cruz, Hispanic NEXO
Carlos Cruz has extensive policy communications and public relations experience. He served as a legislative assistant for the pro-tempore of the Florida Senate. His years of service enabled Carlos to become well versed on a variety of local, state and national policy issues. Following his tenure in the Florida Senate, Carlos served as executive assistant to a member of Florida's elected Cabinet. As the youngest member of the Commissioner of Agriculture's executive staff, Carlos enabled the department to communicate Florida's agricultural importance in the new developing arenas of Latin America and other Caribbean nations. Carlos has close relationships with legislators and staff as a former staffer in both the legislative and executive branches of Florida government. Carlos worked for various firms creating and managing their state governmental and policy communications practice teams. Carlos has earned a reputation of being an informed advocate that creates consistent solutions for his strong client base. Carlos' ability to work with public opinion leaders and policy makers has created a relational synergy that produces favorable outcomes. "I had to work my way up from waving on street corners for candidates as my family had no political ties. My father was a carpenter who exiled from Cuba and started from scratch in his mid-40's."Candidates and policy makers rely on Carlos' experience for advice on politics, public relations campaigns and policy trends. Carlos is an accomplished speaker and is frequently invited to educate executives and future policy makers on the process of government relations and policy communications. "I love to give back to others and contribute positively to their development as so many have contributed to mine." In addition to his government affairs practice, Carlos has evolved as a crisis management consultant and assists clients and their public relations teams with message development and corporate communications with an emphasis in Hispanic markets. Carlos lives with his family in Fleming Island and enjoys "turning things off" to spend time with his wife and two boys. "You need to have a balance in life and unfortunately a lot of people in the world of politics do not seem to get that!" Carlos has a bachelor's degree from Florida International University in Public Administration and a Juris Doctorate from the Florida State University College of Law. Email: ccruz@hispanicnexo.com Follow Carlos on Twitter: @cmcruz |
 2016 Voter Registration DrivesWe must vote in order to have a voice! The time to elect our representatives is now! You can register any time online at www.duvalelections.com or in person at 105 E. Monroe St., Jacksonville, FL 32202, the public libraries, or at the following community event:
Event Name: e-Med Voter Registration Drive - Date: Saturday, May 21th, 2016; from 11 AM to 2 PM
- Location: 2570 Atlantic Blvd. | Jacksonville, FL 32207
USHCC Foundation Launches "Aid for Ecuador" Fund Following Fatal Earthquake
picture from Aid for Ecuador Gofundme campaign
In response to the outpouring of support for those impacted by the recent earthquake in Ecuador, the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation has established a relief fund under the leadership of its Chairman, Nina Vaca. The mission of the fund is to provide direct aid to small business owners seeking to rebuild their lost or damaged enterprises in the wake of this tragedy.
UNF Coggin College of Business Graduate Programs Now Accepting Applications
The Master of Science in Management (MsM) builds a bridge to business for recent graduates with non-business academic backgrounds. Completing the program can help you to develop core business skills that will make you stand out and empower you in your first job and throughout your professional career. Download this flyer for more information and how to apply! |
In the News
FCHCC Featured Member Discounts
Florida Blue
Receive a FREE gift when you visit the centers at Jacksonville River City Marketplace or the St. John's Town Center.
Jacksonville Armada FC
Get discounted tickets to Armada's Season tickets to see matches at Community First Park. FCHCC members and friends. For more information, contact Orlando Ruiz, Ticket Sales Account Executive at 904-516-3764 or email oruiz@armadafc.com.
Tres Leches Eatery
Tres Leches would like to offer a complimentary "FREE" Sangria with purchase of any dinner menu item Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday evenings from 6 PM to 10 PM. Must be 21 years of age, one Sangria per person and good for each guest of member also. Contact Eddie Sweda at 904-551-4375 or 954-336-2513 with any questions.
Enterprise Holdings
National Car Rental® is offering FCHCC members and friends a 5% discount off of the lowest published price through our Enterprise brand and a 10% discount with our National brand through our Emerald Club.
Child ID Program New York Life's Child ID Program is designed to help children in our community learn how to stay safe in the home, at play, or wherever they happen to be.
CL!XGet a discount for a single image Headshot CD that includes a full resolution image with a copyright release that also includes free basic touch ups on the image for $35.00.
The Florida RX Card - Free Statewide Program
Savings with this drug card can be up to 30-75% off retail price for most brand & generic FDA-approved medications.
member discount to our website!
(You do not have to be a member to offer a discount to FCHCC members.)
FCHCC Members: use your membership card when you take advantage of any of the discounts above.
Current Job Opportunities
Communications and Media Relations Intern (non-paid position) Employer: FCHCC Facilities Maintenance Tech I, Blount Island (2 positions) Employer: JAXPORT BBVA Compass Bank Job Portal Employer: BBVA Compass Bank BB&T Bank Job Portal Also, click here to be added to BB&T's database where you will be alerted of any upcoming jobs as they become available!Employer: BB&T Bank Florida Blue Jobs Portal Employer: Florida Blue
To view all the above positions and to apply, please visit our website by clicking here.
Submit your Available Job Listings to
Appear on FCHCC's Website
Is your company hiring?
If you're an active corporate member, you can send your available job postings to us from our website! Click here!
FCHCC Partners
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations!
Joining FCHCC as a New Member or Renewing your Membership?
We have several payment methods for your convenience. If you would like to mail in a check or money order, please mail your payment to:
First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 57972 Jacksonville FL 32241
FCHCC also accepts credit card payments for new memberships and renewals. You can join the FCHCC or renew your membership with any of these credit cards. To use this method, click any of the links below:
 To join the FCHCC with your credit card, click here. If you're renewing your membership with your credit card, click here!
Monthly eNewsletter publishes the first week of every month!
Editor-in-Chief: Maribel Hernandez, FCHCC President and CEO
Editor: Madelene Skinner: Chair, Media and Public Relations
Designer / Creative Director: Kim McDougal, Interactive Communications Coordinator
The First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FCHCC) strives to establish and encourage better business practices among Hispanic-owned and operated businesses in northeast Florida and south Georgia. All business professionals, both Hispanic and non-Hispanic, are welcome to become involved with our Chamber. The FCHCC also strives to foster understanding of Hispanic heritage through educational endeavors, business opportunities and social interaction.
To learn more about the FCHCC, please visit us on the web at www.fchcc.com, send us e-mail at: fchcc@fchcc.com, or call us at 904.346.1118.