Stay connected!
To positively impact the regional economy by creating value, promoting and facilitating the success of Hispanic-owned businesses and by engaging the community at large.
Photos from the October 2016 Professional Networking Event
To view the entire event photo gallery, click here! And, to see photos from other events, click here! |
President's Message
It is my hope that this finds you well and that we are all preparing to exercise our right to VOTE. This is a critical turning point for our country and we must unite as Americans to make our voices heard on November 8th. In addition to the presidential election, remember there are other important decisions we must make as voters and I encourage you to please do your homework to make informed decisions on all things being considered.
If you missed the October Professional Networking Event at Gabriel House of Care, you missed an opportunity to get to know this amazing organization, great food from Ocean 60, fabulous live music by Javier Perez and a great time had by all. Our next event will be a December Holiday Networking Event on December 15th from 6 PM - 8 PM so mark your calendars and I look forward to seeing everyone there.
If you have not renewed your FCHCC membership or want to join, click here for more information.
Warmest regards,
Maribel Hernandez
Maribel Hernandez, MBA, ACB, ALB
Welcome New and Renewing Members
The FCHCC is proud to announce our new and renewing members:
Mid-size Business
Enterprise Holdings Small Business 1
HomeBridge Financial Services
We could not achieve our mission without our members... THANK YOU very much for your partnership! To review member benefits and/or to become a member, please visit our website for more information.
Your Vote Counts
The power of our voice is in our VOTE! Please ensure that you, your friends and relatives go out and vote before or on November 8th. Our community has a lot at stake and it is more important than ever to vote.
Here are things to consider: |
Member Spotlight: Mario Medina Hernández, New York Life Insurance
Valued member Mario Medina Hernández is the first Hispanic to reach the distinction as an Executive Council Agent with New York Life Insurance Company in Jacksonville, Florida. He has built a business, a family, and a new life like many Puerto Ricans have in Florida. With 17 years of experience in the banking industry, Mario found the time to make his own history in his homeland Puerto Rico as a successful singer and songwriter. Mario performs as a tenor on the Heritage Singers of Jacksonville on his spare time.
In Jacksonville, he is also a liaison for the Hispanic community on local media about the importance of being properly protected based on a process and not on a product as well as providing community services with New York Life's Child ID program and being an advocate creating awareness on safety for our children. As a dedicated New York Life Executive Council Agent, his recommendations are tailored to your needs on a wide variety of protection and financial matters, including: - Life insurance protection
- College funding
- Retirement planning
- Business planning using life insurance
- Mortgage protection using life insurance
- Estate planning
- Leaving a legacy
As a mutual life insurance company, New York Life is owned by its policy owners. This means they have no obligations to stockholders and can focus exclusively on the needs and concerns of the policy owners. Since its founding in 1845, New York Life has been helping individuals, families, and businesses plan for the future. Today, as always, they are committed to meeting their obligations and hold true to their principles of humanity, integrity, and financial strength. Mario and his lovely wife, Sonja, are regulars at Hispanic Chamber events so be sure to say hello.
To learn more about New York Life, visit their website here. |
Save the Date!
FCHCC December 2016 Holiday Networking Event
Mark your calendars for December 15th to attend our year-ending event! Location to be determined!
Sign up for our mailing list for more details!
In addition, we NEED your help.
FCHCC is looking to make this event a " party with a cause". We would like your ideas on a charity that you feel we should support. You can provide your suggestions by clicking this link to go to our survey. You can also email us suggestions at fchcc@fchcc.com.
Deadline for suggestions is November 16th. |
Haiti Recovery Efforts
We have all heard of the devastating affect the hurricane had on Haiti. Over 1,000 individuals perished, tens of thousands of homes were destroyed along with schools and medical facilities. It is a sad situation. Ed Perez, President and CEO of Three Grains of Rice Missions and former FCHCC President is working with Dr. Ernst Michel who leads the Haiti relief efforts in Northeast Florida. They have started discussions on potential opportunities to collaborate on to close some of the economic, education and health disparities in the country. If you have an interest in getting involved, contact Ed Perez at edperez49@gmail.com. We're proud to say that over 300 cases of clothing has been provided to Dr. Michel that will be transported to Haiti. Thank you to Dignity U Wear and Presbyterian Social Ministries for their generous donations and support. Download this flyer for more information about how you can help. All your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.
Notice of Acceptance of Applications for Upcoming Jacksonville Ethics Commission Vacancy
The City of Jacksonville Ethics Commission is currently accepting applications for a forthcoming vacancy on the Ethics Commission. The Ethics Commission will select its new member for a three year term beginning January 2017 following the Commission's review of all submitted applications and interviews of applicants. The Ethics Commission is comprised of nine (9) members appointed by either designated City of Jacksonville governmental officials or the Ethics Commission. The Ethics Commission is responsible for selecting three (3) of the nine (9) Commission members. The upcoming vacancy is for an appointment by the Ethics Commission.
The Ethics Commission has a long, distinguished history in the City of Jacksonville of ensuring transparent and open government for the citizens. Among its many outstanding accomplishments, the Ethics Commission has drafted and implemented the Jacksonville Ethics Code and successfully assisted in the establishment of an independent Office of Ethics, Compliance and Oversight that is primarily responsible for administering the Ethics Code. Per Chapter 602, Part 9 of the Jacksonville Ordinance Code, the Ethics Commission performs numerous functions, including assisting the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Oversight, and investigating and consideration of any potential violation of the Jacksonville Ethics Code.
If you are interested in potentially being selected by the Ethics Commission to serve on the commission, please complete and submit the application per the instructions. Completed applications are due on Monday, November 14, 2016 at 12:00 PM and must be submitted via e-mail to koberdorfer@coj.net.
Interviews of all applicants will be scheduled during the nominating committee meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 4:00-6:00 p.m. Please contact Kirby Oberdorfer, Deputy Director of the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Oversight, at (904) 630-4747 or koberdorfer@coj.net for more information.
We encourage you to serve on local boards and commissions. For a complete listing click here. |
Committee Happenings
Call for Committee Volunteers 
If you are interested in helping to make a difference, consider volunteering your time and talent for any of our committees or sub-committees. You can submit your application from our website by clicking here! |
In the News
Stories about FCHCC's Members and Partners
FCHCC Featured Member Discounts
For FCHCC Members ONLY: Receive a 50% discount with your membership card. Contact Pedro Ramirez at pedroramirez1958@yahoo.com for more information.
Get discounted tickets to Armada's Season tickets to see matches at Community First Park. For more information, contact Orlando Ruiz, Ticket Sales Account Executive at 904-516-3764 or email oruiz@armadafc.com.
Outdoorsman Adventure Outdoorsman Adventure is offering all FCHCC members a $75 off discount on a 10×10 Booth! The regular price is $450.00. Members pay $375.00.
Chic Booth
Chic Booth is proud to offer a $100 discount to all FCHCC members when they book our photo booth services. *Minimum rental: 2 hours services. La Ciudad En Sus Manos' online Spanish Business Directory is "FULLY OPTIMIZED IN SPANISH KEY WORDS and is Mobile Friendly". We are offering all FCHCC members a free listing and Free SEO service for 60 days.
Florida Blue
Receive a FREE gift when you visit the centers at Jacksonville River City Marketplace or the St. John's Town Center.
Tres Leches Eatery
Tres Leches would like to offer a complimentary "FREE" Sangria with purchase of any dinner menu item Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday evenings from 6 PM to 10 PM. Must be 21 years of age, one Sangria per person and good for each guest of member also. Contact Eddie Sweda at 904-551-4375 or 954-336-2513 with any questions.
Enterprise Holdings
National Car Rental® is offering FCHCC members and friends a 5% discount off of the lowest published price through our Enterprise brand and a 10% discount with our National brand through our Emerald Club.
Child ID Program New York Life's Child ID Program is designed to help children in our community learn how to stay safe in the home, at play, or wherever they happen to be.
CL!XGet a discount for a single image Headshot CD that includes a full resolution image with a copyright release that also includes free basic touch ups on the image for $35.00.
The Florida RX Card - Free Statewide Program
Savings with this drug card can be up to 30-75% off retail price for most brand & generic FDA-approved medications.
member discount to our website!
(You do not have to be a member to offer a discount to FCHCC members.)
FCHCC Members: use your membership card when you take advantage of any of the discounts above.
Current Job Opportunities
Chase Bank Jobs Portal Employer: Chase Bank
Everbank Jobs Portal Employer: Everbank
JAXPORT Jobs Portal Employer: JAXPORT
JEA Jobs Portal Employer: JEA
Publix Jobs Portal Employer: Publix
UNF Jobs Portal Employer: UNF
AT&T Florida Jobs Portal Employer: AT&T
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Jobs Portal Employer: Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront BBVA Compass Bank Jobs Portal Employer: BBVA Compass Bank BB&T Bank Jobs Portal Also, click here to be added to BB&T's database where you will be alerted of any upcoming jobs as they become available!Employer: BB&T Bank Florida Blue Jobs Portal Employer: Florida Blue
To view all the above positions and to apply, please visit our website by clicking here.
Submit your Available Job Listings to
Appear on FCHCC's Website
Is your company hiring?
If you're an active corporate member, you can send your available job postings to us from our website! Click here!
FCHCC Partners
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations!
Strategic Partner
Large Corporations
Joining FCHCC as a New Member or Renewing your Membership?
We have several payment methods for your convenience. If you would like to mail in a check or money order, please mail your payment to:
First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 57972 Jacksonville FL 32241
FCHCC also accepts credit card payments for new memberships and renewals. You can join the FCHCC or renew your membership with any of these credit cards. To use this method, click any of the links below:
 To join the FCHCC with your credit card, click here. If you're renewing your membership with your credit card, click here!
Monthly eNewsletter publishes the first week of every month!
Editor-in-Chief: Maribel Hernandez, FCHCC President and CEO
Editor: Madelene Skinner: Chair, Media and Public Relations
Designer / Creative Director: Kim McDougal, Interactive Communications Coordinator
The First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FCHCC) strives to establish and encourage better business practices among Hispanic-owned and operated businesses in northeast Florida and south Georgia. All business professionals, both Hispanic and non-Hispanic, are welcome to become involved with our Chamber. The FCHCC also strives to foster understanding of Hispanic heritage through educational endeavors, business opportunities and social interaction.
To learn more about the FCHCC, please visit us on the web at www.fchcc.com, send us e-mail at: fchcc@fchcc.com, or call us at 904.346.1118.