
FCHCC is dedicated to helping you have the tools you need to help your business grow and operate.

This page is designed to provide you resources and tools from FCHCC’s members and partners.

Visit these categories below for more information.

Request for Proposal Opportunities

City of Jacksonville

COJ 16530-25 Consulting Services for the Homelessness Initiatives
Close Date:
March 31, 2025


Housing and Community Development Division is seeking proposals for professional consulting services for the Homelessness Initiatives. Learn more and download the solicitation here.

Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)

JTA P-25-021-F Rebuilt Bus Purchases Platform
Close Date: April 16, 2025 2 PM

Pre-proposal meeting: March 11, 2025 4 PM
Click here to join the meeting and for more information.


The Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) is seeking to purchase a minimum of twelve (12) to fourteen (14) used, fully restored, 40’ low floor, wheelchair equipped, heavy duty diesel transit buses. Since all the JTA’s transit fleet are Gillig’s, it is the JTA’s desire to purchase a Gillig bus between the manufacturing years 2008 – 2011.


It is the JTA’s understanding that most companies in the bus restoration business keep an inventory of used buses that will be restored once the company receives an order for a completely restored transit bus. If this is the case, then JTA would like a timeline of how long it will take to receive a bus once the bid is accepted.

Equipment to be purchased and installed:  

-Farebox – Genfare Odyssey
-Mobile Ticket Validator – Access Interfacing Solution
-Video Surveillance System –  Apollo Video
-Clever Devices & UTAAPC – Jacksonville, FL spec
-Clever Devices –  Clever Vision W/(2) 37” Monitors
-Traffic Light Preemption
-Lytx Drive Cam Event Recorder
-Motorola APX2500 Radio

JTA P-25-012 Mobility on Demand & Paratransit Software Platform
Close Date: April 17, 2025 2 PM

Pre=proposal Meeting: March 11, 2025 2 PM
To join the meeting and learn more, click here.


The JTA (Jacksonville Transportation Authority) wishes to improve upon the inherent operational inefficiencies of an on-demand service by commingling paratransit and micro-transit using a single, expanded fleet of vehicles. The JTA is seeking a qualified vendor to provide a comprehensive software solution to meet this need. The platform should have the ability for intake and eligibility, scheduling, dispatching, mobile applications and integration to the JTA’s current front-end solution to satisfy both internal and external JTA stakeholders.


The JTA is looking for a modern, scalable, creative, and highly functional software solution with the capacity of reserving trips, dispatching trips, managing passenger eligibility and optimizing trips for improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.  While previous industry software has been specialized to one type of transportation, the JTA requires a software that can comingle various types of trips, passengers, fare types and services.

City of Jacksonville

City of Jacksonville’s Supplier Portal Information. Click here to log in and register as a supplier.

Disaster Recovery Assistance

Florida SBDC

Hurricane Milton Recovery Resources

The Florida SBDC Network and our state and federal partners remain committed to helping you access the disaster capital and resources your business needs to recover and reopen.

As during any disaster, we are here to help your business recover. Our team of disaster specialists are available to provide confidential, no-cost consulting and direction to help you assess and prepare disaster loan applications and assist with other post-disaster challenges.

Available Assistance

– Agriculture and Aquaculture Producers Natural Disaster Recovery Loan
– SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan – apply by July 11, 2025.

For more information, please visit

Florida SBDC

Hurricane Helene Recovery Resources

The Florida SBDC Network and our state and federal partners remain committed to helping you access the disaster capital and resources your business needs to recover and reopen.

As during any disaster, we are here to help your business recover. Our team of disaster specialists are available to provide confidential, no-cost consulting and direction to help you assess and prepare disaster loan applications and assist with other post-disaster challenges.

Available Assistance

– Agriculture and Aquaculture Producers Natural Disaster Recovery Loan
– SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan – apply by June 30, 2025

For more information, please visit

JTA Programs

Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)

Small Business Enterprise Program

The Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) is proud to announce the launch of its Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program, a groundbreaking initiative designed to support and empower small businesses by way of growth, innovation, and sustainability.

For more information about the SBE Program, please visit the landing page at  To apply for the SBE Certification, please go to

Should you have any questions or concerns about the SBE Program or the certification process, please feel free to contact us at

SBA Programs

T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined is an executive-level training series intended to give ambitious small business leaders a challenging opportunity to accelerate their growth through targeted training led by motivating leaders in small business development. T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined revolutionizes the rich history of executive-level training for small businesses poised for growth.

The Office of Entrepreneurial Development is committed to transforming our learning ecosystem to be timelier, more relevant, and to meet small businesses where they are right now. We embody this approach with T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined. Learn more!

Check out these SBA resources:

Free business counseling
SBA-guaranteed business loans
Home & business disaster loans
Federal government contracting

Business Training Opportunities

Click here to check out Prospera’s seminars/workshops schedule (conducted in Spanish).

Watch SCORE’s Previous Webinars. Click here to browse SCORE’s pre-recorded webinars.

USHCC encourages you to sign up for FREE courses from the Verizon Small Business Digital Ready Program. Learn more here.

SBDC Online Training Events: click here to check out their on-demand training videos and upcoming workshops.

Career Coach – Florida State College at Jacksonville – take a Career Assessment to learn about yourself and Career Coach will give you career suggestions based on your interests.

SBDC at UNF Resources

The Florida SBDC at UNF provides business owners with confidential consulting and training in all aspects of business startup, management and growth…from business plans and marketing strategy to financial analysis and lending options, we have a consultant ready to help make your business dreams come to life. Appointments are open during non-business hours – so you can meet with us in the early morning or after work or even over the weekend, we’re here to help you with your business needs!

Your entrepreneurship journey with the Florida SBDC at UNF starts by simply clicking the link below and getting registered in our system. As soon as you register, we will get you connected to one of our consultants. One-on-one consulting is provided at no-cost and is currently held virtually.

Click here to make an appointment! Or, contact them directly to learn more at 800-450-4624 or email

About our Partners

Prospera USA

Prospera USA

Prospera is a nonprofit, economic development organization that serves Hispanic entrepreneurs in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina, with support from dedicated funders, volunteers, and partners. Our program model, specially designed for Hispanic entrepreneurs in the U.S., has helped small businesses grow and prosper since 1991.

Prospera offer comprehensive, year-round training presented by industry experts and designed for Hispanic entrepreneurs to enhance their skills and learn to do business in the U.S. Seminars are presented in Spanish on a variety of subjects that are vital for both new and seasoned small business owners. Topics range from legal and tax essentials to marketing and funding strategies. providing valuable insights to start, sustain, and grow businesses effectively.

SCORE Jacksonville

SCORE Jacksonville

SCORE is a national service organization that supports small businesses nationwide. SCORE has a network of over 11,000 volunteers operating in 340+ local chapters around the country. The organization is supported by the US Small Business Administration (SBA). Locally in Jacksonville, our counselors’ skills include: accounting, consulting, distribution, financial planning, franchising, human resources, marketing, operations, publishing, retail sales, strategic planning, sales, consumer products, Internet, technology and nonprofit management, and doing business with the government. SCORE provides support to business owners in several ways, including FREE confidential mentoring for startups and existing businesses, Workshops to help entrepreneurs start and run a successful business, advice on how to get a business loan, and assistance with putting together a successful business plan.

Small Business Development Center

Florida SBDC

The Florida Small Business Development Center at the University of North Florida (Florida SBDC at UNF) provides management assistance and training to any prospective or existing small-business owner in North Florida (Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Clay, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Marion, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Suwannee and Union counties). The Florida SBDC Network is state designated as Florida’s Principal Provider of Business Assistance [ § 288.001, Fla. Stat.] and recognized as Florida’s “premier source” for business assistance. With this assistance, clients can become more successful and, in turn, contribute positively to the area’s economic growth and stability. More than 35 SBDC offices operate in Florida from Key West to Pensacola under the guidance of seven state universities, including the University of North Florida, and state colleges.

Small Business Administration

Small Business Administration

The Small Business Administration North Florida District provides help with SBA services including funding programs, counseling, federal contracting certifications, and disaster recovery. We can also connect you to our partner organizations, lenders, and other community groups that help small businesses succeed. This office serves 43 counties in northern Florida. We have offices in Jacksonville and Orlando.

Visit our calendar of events to see upcoming webinars and workshops from these organizations!