First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Hola Emprende 2025
First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is your Premier Hispanic Chamber!


Achieving the Dream Scholarship Applications Open
Achieving the Dream Scholarship Luncheon

ATD Luncheon 2025

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Mission and Vision
Who We Are
Our Mission

to positively impact the regional economy by creating value, promoting and facilitating the success of Hispanic-owned businesses and by engaging the community at large.

Our Vision

to be recognized as the premier Hispanic Chamber of Northeast Florida for building successful partnerships that encourage business growth. Join FCHCC today!

Welcome New & Renewing Members

Learn more about these members here!


FCHCC Al Aire Radio Show

FCHCC Corporate Business Members: Request a Guest Spot on “FCHCC on Aire” Radio Show! Click here!

FCHCC on Aire Business & Culture Podcast Show

FCHCC Monthly Podcast Program for Platinum Members to be a guest!
Learn more!

FCHCC Al Aire Weekly Radio Show
Rumba 106.9

Click here to Catch “FCHCC on Aire” Radio Show LIVE on Sundays at 9:30 AM EST!


FCHCC Strategic Partners
FCHCC Strategic Partners
Learn more about our Strategic Partners!

ATD Scholarship News

Achieving the Dream Scholarship

Deadline EXTENDED! Apply by March 27th! APPLY NOW!

FCHCC Achieving the Dream Scholarship Program

DONATE to the Achieving the Dream Scholarship

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 Achieving the Dream Scholarship Winners!


View our Past ATD Winners!


FCHCC invited by Confecolext, Únete Latino, and the Colombian community in Orlando grand integration event honoring the Ambassador and Consul of Colombia in Orlando, César Felipe González.
March 17, 2025

FCHCC participates in UNF’s International Business Table Talk
March 5, 2025

Visit our entire Photo Albums

What our
Members Say

Adriana Fucinos testimony

Les quiero agradecer por la invitacion ayer al evento First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, La verdad es muy importante para nosotros los Latinos conocer a otros empresarios y tratar de apoyarnos mutuamente estuvo de una calidad muy buena y en mi experiencia fue un exito total. Cuenten con KING JAX INSURANCE para cualquier evento en el futuro.

Adriana Fucinos, King Jax Insurance
Adriana Fucinos
Hola Emprende Expo 2024 Attendee
King Jax Insurance
Adriana Fucinos testimony

I would like to express our most sincere gratitude for having us invited to participate in the Hola Emprende Business Expo 2024 event. It was a truly spectacular experience, in which we had the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences as well as to network with other leaders and entrepreneurs. Thanks to your organization and hospitality, we were able to establish valuable connections that will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and strengthening of the business ecosystem. We would love to continue collaborating with FCHCC in the future and rest assured that Carrillo Capital Group is here for you. Receive our cordial greeting and our best wishes for your next events and activities.

Carrillo Capital Group
Eduardo Carrillo
General Manager
Hola Emprende Expo 2024 Attendee
Carrillo Capital Group
Sebastian Vargas Aranda, testimony

Excelente . Dan muchas herramientas a los emprendedores para que puedan cunplir sus objetivos en este país.

Sebastian Vargas Aranda FCHCC Testimonial
Sebastian Vargas Aranda
Hola Emprende 2024 Conference Attendee
Genesis Castaneda Studio LLC
Nallyby Andrade, testimony

En primer lugar agradecer a los organizadores, panelistas, colaboradores y demás entidades que hicieron posible este evento.
Particularmente quedo muy agradecido por haber podido recibir información privilegiada, es importante señalar el gran comportamiento de los asistentes al estar prestos para compartir experiencias y conocimientos. Nuestra empresa Imagining the Secret agradece de sobremanera por permitirnos participar en dicho evento.

Manuel Márquez
FCHCC Hola Emprende 2024 Conference Attendee
Imagining the Secret, LLC
Belen Blanton, testimony

The FCHCC is a fantastic place to connect with people and promote your organization. Since joining our nonprofit, I've received valuable help, advice, and have become part of a supportive community. Monica is an excellent person and always available.

Belen Blanton, Fundación Estrellita de Belen Corporation
Belen Blanton
Rebecca Abella, testimony

Today I went to my first Cafecito Social with FCHCC, it was a complete success! If you want to enrich your community and grow your business while doing it becoming a member of FCHCC is an excellent step. Meet Hispanic professionals that want to work together and give back to the community.

Rebecca Abella-Abella Lending
Rebecca Abella
Vanezza Reyes, testimony

If you're an entrepreneur looking to connect with others and learn how to grow your business, Social Cafecito is the perfect place. I highly recommend it!

Vanezza Reyes Professional Home Planner
Vanezza Reyes
Elliott Santiago, testimony

It was a very good experience to be able to participate in the Let's Talk About Business event and learn many things that we ourselves did not know. Very impressed with the professionalism and preparation of all the panelists, especially Mónica Hernández. We hope to continue participating much more actively in the events. Thank you for the opportunity you gave us.

Maribel Hernandez, President of First Coast Multicultural Toastmasters Club
Elliot Santiago, National Community Development & Production Manager
Christian Pagan Alive CU, testimony

We appreciate all of the great things you all are doing at FCHCC and thank you for having us as a member for all of these years.

Alive Credit Union
Christian Pagan
Alive Credit Union
Jacque Juergensen, testimony

Highly recommended! The FCHCC has done great work within the community and provides an excellent program. A truly great organization.

Jacque Juergensen
Howard Electrical Services
Don Jones, testimony

Excellent job of promoting Latin/Hispanic involvement in business issues and opportunities in our area. The Chamber is excellent in following through with their contacts.

Don Jones
Floors n More
Vibe Multimedia, testimony

FCHCC is very professional and their services are top of the line. I totally recommend them.

Vibe Multimedia
Carlos Pagan, CEO | Founder
Vibe Multimedia
Michael Boatman, testimony

The relationship with your local commerce community is very important to start and grow a local business network. When I started doing business in Jacksonville in 2017, I came across the FCHCC. Since the new directions of the FCHCC, I have heard and seen the different business environment in the community. I have relationships with other business owners that have shared the experience.

Michael Boatman
Michael Boatman, CEO
Nena Von Sternberg, testimony

I have been waiting for the first live event this year. My colleague and I had a blast meeting and mingling with other Hispanic professionals at the FCHCC Professional Networking (IN-PERSON) Event hosted at Estrella Cocina this week. No better way to make connections and advance our businesses and at the same time promoting our culture and values as Hispanics. Gracias por esa energia organizando el evento.

Nena Von Sternberg
Mocha Misk'i testimony

Thank you FCHCC for the support you are continually giving to small businesses. For us, it is always a pleasure to be able to work with you. We look forward to continuing for many years together.

Mocha Misk'i Brownie Shop
Pilar Langthon
Victor Manjarres, testimony

Thanks for organizing the Economic Relief For Small Business Free Webinar. It was a great initiative that was of great help for us, small business owners that need orientation in these times of uncertainty. The background and knowledge of the panelist and coordination gave us credible information to act on and try to save our companies and the livelihood of our families.

PR Latin America
Victor M. Manjarres
Marci Larson, testimony

Thank you so much for the invitation. It was a great evening & outstanding venue. Met some new folks so networking worked well. The Hispanic Chamber has been a wonderful partner with the TPO.

Marci Larson, NEFL TPO
Marci Larson, TPO Executive &
Public Affairs Manager
Maribel Hernandez, testimony

Through FCHCC, I have built valuable relationships with other business owners and leaders within the Hispanic Community. Also, FCHCC inspired me to pursue my dreams by meeting successful Hispanic business owners.

Maribel Hernandez, President of First Coast Multicultural Toastmasters Club
Maribel Hernandez, President
Nelson Estepa, testimony

As an active member and serving in multiple leadership roles, I've met many incredibly talented and committed, professional business executives and individuals. It's provided me multiple business opportunities, exposure and several ways to contribute to the Hispanic community for its future success.

Nelson Estepa, FCHCC MC
Nelson Estepa, LTC US Army Retired

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FCHCC 2024 Chamber of the Year
FCHCC Chamber of the Year Award 2019

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